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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday--You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

Hi Readers:

It's Sunday again, which means I'm serving up a snippet from St. Anne's Day for you to enjoy on this first day of the week.  This excerpt is quite appropriate as it takes place at during this time of the year, when the leaves are just beginning to turn, the days are warm, but the nights are cool, and the sunsets are spectacular.

In this scene our heroine, Anne, and our hero, Gerry, dance for the first time at Gerry's cousin's wedding. Slow dancing is an interesting phenomenon.  I remember high school dances, when strange boys would walk up, tap you on the shoulder and ask you to dance.  I always thought dancing to be a great breach of conventional norms.  In what other activity can you come up to a complete stranger and then get intimately close to them without someone having to press charges?  Perhaps that's why dancing is so magical.

In this scene, I take you back to those exciting times in your life, when you found yourself in the arms of someone you are attracted to and the magic that happens.  Enjoy!

 Lost in his arms, Anne was no longer conscious of their movement or of anything else. Their bodies were like a slow moving centrifuge that spun away reality leaving only Anne and Gerry forged together in the center with a thousand sensations. Anne began to feel a little dizzy. This is what it means to swoon. She’d always wondered when she read old novels what that felt like. Now she knew.

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